Friday, November 16, 2012

26 Weeks: Hello November!

It's the first week of November and I'm realizing that next week is the end of my 2nd trimester -or the "fun trimester" I've heard it referred to- so I'd better live it up this week while I can!  No appts this week, although I realized (I know, probably should have sooner) than any kind of sugar makes this baby go crazy inside!  Like he's doing a set of pilates??  Needless to say we've been enjoying the leftover Halloween candy but now it's back to fruits.   This weekend is my California shower and I'm so excited to spend the afternoon with my good girlfriends and relax : )  Baby O's hearing has pretty much developed as much as possible in the womb this week, so he's hearing a LOT of what's been going on...which would be nice if he could remind me of some things, I swear I forget at least 10 random things each day....

Month/Week: 5 Months/26 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: My weigh-in is next week...
Feeling: energetic!  
Missing: Red wine by my fireplace at night with my husband, AND we just picked up 12 bottles from our wine membership at Longshadow where we were married- I made him promise not to open my favorites.
Cravings: Cinnamon Dolce Lattes from Starbucks..mmm....
Anything making you queasy: I'm always hungry.  So hardly anything is making me queasy lol!
I'm Loving: how excited my husband is about his boy even when I remind him about late night feedings and how much coffee he'll need to run out and get me when we aren't sleeping anymore
Happy or Moody: So happy, I feel like I might burst with happiness sometimes just thinking about holding my own little newborn
Gender: Boy
Symptoms: No crazy symptoms, although I've definitely popped this week- no more weird looks from strangers wondering if I'm really pregnant or not
Sleep: I slept in today (Sunday) until 6:30- latest all week!
Wedding Ring On Still?: Yep, although I finally took out the belly button ring- it looked like it was starting to suffocate.
Looking forward to: My CA shower this Sunday afternoon, I know the girls have been prepping all week and I'm so excited to see what they came up with, I know it will be fabulous!

Some pics from the CA shower this Sunday:


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