Big Bear was GREAT to us, Jack was in the best mood all weekend, ate like a champ, and Hunter slept as much as possible on any open lap in front of the fire. Mommy & Daddy got to enjoy a little grown up time with our friends while hot tubbing, drinking red wine, and watching the entire 6th season of Entourage until midnight! Our cozy cabin had two bedrooms, a fireplace, fenced-in yard for Hunter to run around and play (bark) and a super hot jacuzzi!
Jack had turkey, cheese, olives, pickles & apples on Thanksgiving Day! He loved the turkey leg Travis gave him, among other things....we stayed in all day watching football, playing with the baby, eating, drinking mulled wine (I missed you so much last Thanksgiving dear friend) and staying warm!
Although there was no snow on the ground, we did get some snow flurries on Black Friday at our cabin in the woods! We managed to creep out of our cabin this day to explore the downtown area to do a little shopping and have margaritas at our favorite Mexican restaurant!
We had an amazing time, and I'm SO thankful to be sharing this holiday with my family : ) We agreed we have to get up to the mountain as a family at least once every year in the winter from now on!